Four products for one price. A special offer for youth basketball coaches to make your coaching job easier and more rewarding.
“Thanks for the 30 Practice Plans! I coach 5th—and 6th-grade girls’ basketball. After winning only 3 games the previous 2 years combined, I began using your structured practice plans each week, and now we are one game away from the league championship!”
Mike Jadach
JV Coach Assumption School, Ansonia, CT
Structured Basketball Plans Make It Easy
You hope your players will learn and play to the best of their abilities, parents will enjoy watching the action, and everyone will have fun this season.
To make the most of the coaching opportunity, you need to have a plan—both an overall plan and individual plans for each practice. You know your team won’t be ready by running a few drills and scrimmaging the rest of the time.
What A Good Practice Plan Addresses
- What to coach and when? You need to have a plan for what basketball skills should be taught at the first practice and in the early going and what can wait until later practices.
- Fundamentals. You must coach strategies, tactics, and skills that players can carry to future teams — not intricate plays that future teams may not run. Solid man-to-man defense, pick-and-roll, rebounding, and give-and-go are skills that teams execute at every level.
- How to keep your players engaged throughout a long season and at every practice. How to balance repetition with variety so that kids stay interested.
- Preparing your team for different situations during a game and season. What should players do when they face a zone press? How can the ball be inbound from the sidelines to create a scoring opportunity?
- Make the most of the 10 minutes before each practice when you take the court. Here’s your opportunity to get to know your players better, pass on valuable basketball knowledge, and teach some life lessons they will carry long after their hardwood days.
A Decisive Advantage
A plan will enable you to enjoy the season more fully as you won’t panic on practice day worrying about an agenda for the evening’s session. Parents of players and other coaches will notice that you confidently move through your practices.
You’re prepared. You’re organized. It shows. And, perhaps most importantly, your players will be the primary beneficiaries. They’ll learn a lot, play their best ball and love basketball! We have the solution for you.
Get instant access to “The Well-Prepared Coach — Youth Basketball Coaching Program.” You’ll receive a full season of practice plans — 30 practices in all — complete with practice agendas, drills, and teaching points. Each practice session is set for 90 minutes of court time.
This 88-page e-book includes pre-practice meeting agendas, practice agendas, inbounds plays, sideline plays, simple offensive plays, where to go for more ideas, fill-in activities and drills, and off-season, driveway workouts, and more. See the table of contents pages below.
The practice agendas include a minute-by-minute breakdown of each exercise and the coaching points you should emphasize.
The practice plans typically include “Meat” and “Potatoes” sessions for each practice. “Meat” sessions address basketball basics like man-to-man defense, team defense, rebounding, shooting, and more.
“Potatoes” sessions include power lay-ups, moving without the ball, free-throw shooting, post offense, and more. The appendices include diagrams and graphics to enable you to grasp and explain coaching concepts quickly.
How to use the plans
Print the pre-practice plan on one side of an 8.5 x 11″ sheet and the practice plan on the flip side. Either attach the one sheet to a coaching clipboard or fold it and put it in your pocket. It’s advised to review each agenda before the practice, but if you’re running late, you can grab the sheet and the basketball bag and be on your way. You’ll be ready to go. Here’s an example of a sideline play diagram.
The Well-Prepared Coach strongly recommends that coaches meet with their players about 10 minutes before court time. The pre-practice meeting has many benefits. First, it usually ensures that players are dressed and ready to go when court time is available. But it’s also a time for a coach to get to know the players better. It gives players some time to talk a bit and ask questions.
Coaches can cover important basketball topics, team news, and updates and prepare players for what will happen at practice. The extra time allows the coach to pass on some important life lessons: the value of hard work, the importance of sportsmanship, and the power and magic of teamwork. To make it easier for you to implement pre-practice meetings, 30 pre-practice agendas with talking points are also included.
What You Get
- 30, ninety‐minute practice plans for 4th – 8th grade teams. Exercises, explanations, and teaching points.
- 30 agendas and talking points for pre‐court-time meetings. Don’t miss your opportunity to really get to know your players and cover important topics.
- A “Driveway Workout” for your players’ off‐season efforts.
- Proven inbounds and sideline plays.
- “The Special Play” — This play results in a surprising number of open lay‐ups in games. In fact, this one play accounted for more than 1/2 of our points in several games! When you have to have a basket at a key point in the game, here’s the ticket.
About the Author
MICHAEL O’HALLORAN has coached his 4 children on 15 different basketball teams. His 5th-grade girls’ team won the Minnesota State Championship in 2010. He authored Never Forget They’re Kids — Ideas for Coaching your Daughter’s 4th ‐ 8th Grade Basketball Team and co‐created “The Well‐Prepared Coach™” line of coach handouts and award certificate printables.
He’s the founder and editor of Sports Feel Good selected the site as a “Top 10 Youth Sports Blogs for Parents.” His “Never Forget They’re Kids” approach to coaching sports emphasizes learning, having fun, and creating memorable experiences for players.
KEY BENEFITS — 30 Youth Basketball Practice Plans
• A proven winner. The topics covered in these practice plans and the order in which they’re taught have led to many a successful season, dozens of tournament trophies, and a Minnesota State Championship title.
• A time saver. You’ve heard the expression, “Plan the work, and work the plan.” This purchase has completed a big part of your coaching role. You won’t have to worry about what you’ll cover with your players at practice on the ride to the gym, as you’ll be organized and prepared.
• A new sense of confidence in your coaching. By having a complete plan for every pre-practice meeting and every practice, you’ll be more relaxed and enjoy the process more.
• A more competitive team. With tested strategies that work — including inbound plays, sideline plays, and a “Driveway Workout” for off-season development — your team will have the advantage.
• A great experience for your players. Basketball is fun, but even the most dedicated players can get bored or not feel challenged unless the coach keeps them engaged throughout the season. These practice plans will keep your players involved as they improve their games and have a lot of fun.
30 Youth Basketball Practice Plans — A $29.99 Value
Bundled Items
Never Forget They’re Kids — Ideas for Coaching Your Daughter’s 4th-8th Grade Basketball Team.
A guide for volunteer basketball coaches—especially those coaching girls in 4th—8th grades—provides an easy-to-follow approach to coaching and managing their team.
O’Halloran’s “Never Forget They’re Kids” philosophy emphasizes learning, having fun, and creating memorable experiences for players.
The book covers important fundamental basketball topics like defensive and offensive skills, rebounding know-how, shooting technique (including the 2 most common shooting flaws for this age group and how to address them), your coaching approach on the bench, and practice preparation.
For young basketball players, it’s not all about Xs and Os. What sets this apart from other basketball coaching books are topics like:
· 30 ideas to keep kids interested in basketball — From a “Rock n’ Roll” practice to a “Slam Dunk Photo Session,” you’ll learn proven concepts to keep your players engaged during the season. Kids will look forward to practices as much as games.
· A detailed explanation of how to handle your first player meeting and your first parent meeting. A sample introductory email to parents is included.
· An inexpensive and simple way to create a team website and how to use your camcorder to make the most of the basketball season.
· Team nickname ideas and slogan suggestions like “There’s no traffic on the extra mile” and “Teamwork makes the Dream work.”
NOTE: Except for a couple of practice ideas that might not appeal to boys, e.g., “Wacky Hair Day,” the book is relevant for boys’ teams in 4th—8th grades.
Book Excerpt
“Keys to My Approach
• Be positive. Kids accomplish the most when they feel confident.
• Break down complicated activities into bite-size chunks.
• Encourage a risk-taking environment. The effort needs to be rewarded even if the result is lacking.
• Empower players to think on their own.
• Never forget they’re kids.“
What people are saying about Never Forget They’re Kids.
“This is a great book in a lot of ways, the least of which is the basketball stuff, which is pretty helpful, by the way, and very appropriate for the age level of youth athletes the author is writing about. The best part of this book is the advice the author gives concerning dealing with the parents of the players.
I wish I had a copy of this book when I started coaching all too many years ago. This section of the book alone makes it worth the purchase price to me. It also has good information on the organization for a youth sports team as well as positive suggestions for a philosophical approach to coaching young athletes.”
–Kevin Sivils – author of Game Strategy and Tactics for Basketball
KEY BENEFITS — Never Forget They’re Kids — Ideas for Coaching Your Daughter’s 4th-8th Grade Basketball Team
• Increase your basketball coaching knowledge. You’ll learn successful strategies and tactics for your team’s offense and defense to make it more competitive.
• Make it fun and engaging for your players. It’s not all about winning for players. Learn 30 different ideas for keeping things interesting for players, including a slam dunk photo session and a rock-and-roll practice.
• Generate enthusiasm from players and their parents. A guide for setting team objectives, running your first meeting with players, and your first meeting with parents. Includes a template for your first email to parents.
• Know what to do from the bench during games. You’ll learn tips on having the right philosophy and mindset when teaching and coaching from the bench.
• Create a memorable season for your players. This section offers suggestions on how to easily create a team website, incorporate film sessions for your team and more.
Never Forget They’re Kids — Ideas for Coaching Your Daughter’s 4th-8th Grade Basketball Team — A $14.99 Value
The Well-Prepared Coach Basketball Award Certificate Printables
Includes 114 award certificates to recognize players — both boys and girls — coaches, team parents, and more. Designs include: “Coolest Coach,” “Prime Time Player,” “All Universe,” “You’re an All-Star,” and “Clutch Player.” It’s a fun way to plus up your season-ending team party. As a coach or team manager, you’ll look polished and well-prepared.
Customer’s Comments: “I’ve frequently created my own certificates to recognize players and the team manager at our season-end wrap-up parties. They were always well-received, but I can’t wait to hear these awards’ reactions.
They look great, and there are lots to choose from: some for boys, some for girls, some for all players, and even some for assistant coaches. There’s a big difference between these professional-looking award certificates and those I prepared. Very cool!”
– Hal Barnes
Includes 57 designs for color printers and the same 57 designs for black ink printers. Print as many as you like on the paper of your choice. Designs are set to work on the standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper size. You can personalize each certificate with players’ names, team names, and your personal comments.
KEY BENEFITS — The Well-Prepared Coach — Basketball Award Certificate Printables
• Make your players and team members smile! Kids, and adults for that matter, love to hear words of praise. Here’s a cool way to give your players, assistant coaches, and team parents a feel-good boost. Present the certificate and heap on the praise. Your players may never forget it.
• Quick and easy to do. In no time, you’ll have professionally designed certificates that look fantastic.
• Print as many as you like for your team. It’s a great value.
• Choices. 57 different designs to choose from. There’s something for everyone.
• A design that stands out from the crowd. These professionally designed certificates look great on refrigerators, bulletin boards, and bedroom walls.
The Well-Prepared Coach — Basketball Award Certificate Printables — A $14.99 Value
The Well-Prepared Coach — Basketball Coach Handout Printables
Print as many as you like. Designs are set to work on standard paper: 8.5″ x 11.” Basketball coaching forms were designed to make your job easier. Coaching forms include: “Player Expectations,” “Parent Expectations,” “Shot Tracker,” “Basketball Homework,” “Basketball Play,” “Treat Sheet, “Emergency Contact Information,” “Practice Plans,” and more.
Customize each form with your own comments, team name, and personal info. Print as many as you’d like for your team. It’s a fun way to enhance your team communications. Parents will appreciate being kept in the loop.
As a coach or team manager, you’ll be better organized and look polished and well-prepared. Each form can be personalized with your personal agenda topics via printer or handwritten notes.
Why You’ll Love The Basketball Special
• Keep your parents and players in the loop. These coaching forms will make it easy for you to share team information.
• Print as many as you like for your team. Use these forms season after season.
• Great design makes a difference. Players and parents will pay more attention to your communications.
• You’ll look polished and well-prepared. With coaching forms like the “Shot Tracker” and “Basketball Homework,” you’ll not only be working to improve your team, but you’ll look good in the process.
• Quick and easy to do. Create valuable coaching forms in minutes.
The Well-Prepared Coach — Basketball Coach Handout Printables — A $9.99 Value
So here’s what you get:
1.) 30 Youth Basketball Practice Plans — A $29.99 Value
2.) Never Forget They’re Kids — A $14.99 Value
3.) Basketball Award Certificate Printables — A $14.99 Value
4.) Basketball Coach Handout Printables — A $9.99 Value
So, what’s your price?
$69? NO!
$59? NO!
$49? NO!
Your Price For All Four: $39.99
For only $39.99, you’ll get instant access to these 4 titles. A link will take you to these PDF files, which you can save onto your computer. The PDFs work on both Macs and PCs.
You’ll receive these 4 titles:
Basketball Special — $39.99